Galerie im Tempelhof Museum


Exhibition opening

Nachts sind alle Katzen grau

Anneke Kleimann explores the concept of transience in her work. She transforms fleeting phenomena from our natural world — the shadow play of a tree canopy on a sunny day, the various forms Saturn’s rings take, the visual representation of sound and light — into new, poetic forms using wood, glass, and cyanotype. Her artworks are condensed reflections on the mutability of things and our perception of them.

Exhibition opening: Nachts sind alle Katzen grau
Anneke Kleimann, Observing Saturn (Detail), 2017, Holz, Goldlack, 28-teilig, Ausstellungsansicht, Foto © Hayo Heye
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Galerie im Tempelhof Museum

Alt-Mariendorf 43
12107 Berlin