Galerie Adlershof

 – 17:30

Kaboom! Peng! Zisch! Doing!

Comic Workshop

What images appear in our mind’s eye when we hear the words Kaboom! Bang! Woosh! Boing!…? What kind of story lies behind them? How can it be represented in words and images? Surrounded by Leipzig comic artist and illustrator Anna Haifisch’s mural, workshop participants become comic artists themselves and develop their own picture story.

Workshop for children aged 9 and over

Workshop leader: Kunstvermittlung Alte Schule in cooperation with Sophia Hirsch (Artist)

Registration at or 030 902 975 717

Kaboom! Peng! Zisch! Doing! Comic Workshop
Comic-Workshop in der Galerie Adlershof, September 2023 Foto: Miriam Trostorf
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Galerie Adlershof

Dörpfeldstraße 56
12489 Berlin