Exhibition tour with Uwe Warnke

Guided tour of the exhibition with Uwe Warnke, curator and publisher of artists’ magazine ENTWERTER/ODER. There will also be a showing of Glas ließ meine Malerei räumlich werden (Glass Made My Painting Spatial), an interview with Gerd Sonntag by Gabriele Muschter and Uwe Warnke from 2014.

fromBattlefields toRoborders

fromBattlefields toRoborders at Galerie im Turm is Maithu Bùis’s first solo show. The exhibition addresses the (planned) use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automated decision systems in border security and surveillance. Central to the exhibition is a new animated work by Bùi, the culmination of extensive research in collaboration with Ahmad Katlesh, Petra Molnar, […]

I only work with lost and found – Goldrausch 2024

The Goldrausch Künstlerinnen project for women in the arts presents works by participants from this year’s cohort, the 34th group to take part in Goldrausch’s unique support and professionalization program. I only work with lost and found brings together individual and heterogeneous works by the 15 participants. The title refers to the connection between the works […]

Exhibition opening: I only work with lost and found – Goldrausch 2024

The Goldrausch Künstlerinnen project for women in the arts presents works by participants from this year’s cohort, the 34th group to take part in Goldrausch’s unique support and professionalization program. I only work with lost and found brings together individual and heterogeneous works by the 15 participants. The title refers to the connection between the works […]

projektraum alte feuerwache

The projektraum alte feuerwache is the newest of the three municipal galleries in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. The approx. 150 m² gallery is located on the ground floor of the “alte feuerwache” cultural centre, which opened in 1998 in the heritage-listed former fire station. The projektraum has provided a platform for exhibitions with Berlin artists, socio-cultural projects and […]

Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien

At Bethanien on Mariannenplatz in Kreuzberg, Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien shows thematically focused group exhibitions in dialogue with contemporary art.

Galerie im Turm

Galerie im Turm (Tower Gallery) was founded as an exhibition space for the GDR Association of Fine Artists in 1965 and has been in its current location—on the ground floor in the north tower of Hermann Henselmann’s Frankfurter Tor—for fifty years. It became a district municipal gallery in 1990 and currently features the work of […]