A Piece of the Palace — Plaster Casting Workshop

A workshop to learn about the architecture of Biesdorf Palace and the technique of plaster casting. Found objects, surfaces, and ornaments on the palace façade are moulded and artistically created using an organic moulding compound. Cast in plaster, handy art objects are created — your personal piece of the palace that you can take home! […]

ADORNED / Jewellery-photo workshop

What significance does “being adorned” have for us? Inspiration for ways to approach this question can be found in the “Roger Melis – Künstlerporträts” exhibition at Galerie Pankow. Melis was a legend of East German portrait, reportage, and fashion photography. His sophisticated artistic photos shaped the appearance to the well-known GDR women’s magazine for fashion […]

Kaboom! Peng! Zisch! Doing! Comic Workshop

What images appear in our mind’s eye when we hear the words Kaboom! Bang! Woosh! Boing!…? What kind of story lies behind them? How can it be represented in words and images? Surrounded by Leipzig comic artist and illustrator Anna Haifisch’s mural, workshop participants become comic artists themselves and develop their own picture story. Workshop […]

Colour Storms and Thought Flashes

On a tour of the “kinky” exhibition at GalerieETAGE, which present a range of painting styles, workshop participants collect ideas for their own artwork. After being inspired, the young artists can help themselves to supplies from a rich buffet of art materials and experiment with different painting techniques in their own pictures. Workshop for children […]

On Flowing Forms and Dynamic Materials

Visiting an exhibition featuring works by Hannah Bohnen, Lisa Tiemann and Janes Haid-Schmallenberg, workshop participants will explore mostly three-dimensional art dealing with everyday movement and the ways it can be solidified in sculptural form. Afterwards, students experiment with the expressiveness of line, then create individual or group body sculptures in space, which they present to […]

From Banze, Gauguin and Sculpture — An Exploratory Journey Experimental drawing

Alfred Banze’s work is multi-layered. Participants will immerse themselves in the world of his drawing, video, installation, and performance. It will be the starting point for their own explorations on paper. Open workshop for children and families, for all age groups Workshop leader: Martin Bartels and Magda Voerster Registration at galerie100@kultur-in-lichtenberg.de or 030 9711 103

Digital vs. Analog – Advertising Columns in Urban Space

The first Litfaßsäule (advertising column) was installed in Berlin 170 years ago. A sculpture by artists HAUCK PLÜMPE, which take on the tradition of the classic poster column, has stood in the front garden of the Alte Schule Adlershof Cultural Center for the past year. Workshop participants create posters and stickers to be pasted onto […]

All a Matter of Perspective? — On the Significance of Artistic Approach

How do we perceive our present? What questions arise? What moves us and others? In the “Be here now” exhibition featuring works by selected artists from the Haus am Kleistpark Art Prize 2024, participants explore how relevant contemporary themes are artistically addressed and implemented. Through the diversity of artworks on display, school students will encounter […]

ALLES VI | 201

The ALLES VI group exhibition is the sixth part of the ALLES series and showcases works by 200 artists using a variety of visual art techniques including painting, photography, collage, drawing, print, sculpture, and video art. In this open workshop, participants will first engage with the works in the exhibition, then focus on their own […]

Taking a Look at Freedom

Workshop participants explore Susanne Wehland’s works and discuss the techniques and themes used. With the large-format artworks as inspiration, and drawing on themes such as peace, freedom, the environment, the natural world, and gender roles, participants then create their own, take-home art works in the studio using various painting techniques, photo montage, and collage. Workshop […]